Start with purpose
Grow with sustainability
Created by women, for women. Whether you are a solopreneur or a CEO, WOW is here to help women in business who feel confused, overwhelmed or disconnected with their marketing and brand. We provide flexible, practical and thoughtful solutions to help give you the skills you need or desire, ground your business in purpose, build your brand reputation and ultimately grow your business at a sustainable pace.
Inspired by social causes, driven by purpose, enlightened by creativity, focused on results; our clients and community are women who recognise the value in connection with self and with others and who aim to grow their businesses and contribute to a more sustainable and equitable world.
Did you know that we have a presence in the UK and Italy and are always developing relationships and building bridges between the two incredible cultures?

WOW was born in March 2021, out of a need to promote and celebrate women in business during a very difficult time. Due to overwhelming demand from clients and followers, we have been evolving to deliver a sustainable platform ever since, to support and share stories of women in business and help to shape the future for women-run businesses in Italy and the UK.
Providing a space for women to grow, develop their skills and connect, we create innovative campaigns and marketing programs to nurture the growth and reputation of women-led businesses.
Start with a purpose.
Grow with sustainability.

A future where women are inspired and empowered to be the leaders of tomorrow and to work in connection with themselves and others, allowing personal and business balance & sustainability.
Inspired to lead.
Connected with others.
Embrace a sustainable balance between a fulfilled life and business success , however that looks to you .
Are you ready for the transformation?
WOW is One
In 2022, WOW turned ONE. We marked this with celebrations as part of our 'Walk The Talk' Festival closing party and our 'WOW is ONE' campaign. While we are now actually 3, we still celebrate the fact that WOW is ONE, referring not to our age but to the fact that our community is always united, we are 1.
We’re now looking forward to each anniversary celebrations as WOW grows, always as ONE.
We’d love for you to join us.
WOW Milestones
WoW Women on Women Launch
WoW Launched in 2021, during the pandemic with the aim of bringing together a community of women to support, promote and learn from each other and act as a bridge between Italian and UK cultures. We did this through launching the online WoW challenge, showcasing women and their WoW moments.
WoW Festival Launch
The first WOW Festival took place in 2022 as an evolution of the 2021 WoW challenge. Here we had a similar aim of celebrating women, sharing their stories & connecting them with each other. Now an annual event, the Festival serves our women by helping them to ‘Walk Their Talk’, feel empowered & still connect with others.
In 2023 we launched WOW Women Of Worth with a clear mission of helping our community of women in business through sustainable marketing
WOW Evolution: Women Of Worth
The needs of our women, industry & economy have shifted since our launch & so WOW evolved too. In 2023, we launched WOW Women Of Worth with a clear mission for helping women in business through marketing activities with a sustainable approach, building long term relationships within a community.
Explore Our Case Studies