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Regain Your Power. Regain Your Energy.

Our ability to show up for our work, our family, our hobbies, our friends and ourselves all depends upon the energy we feed ourselves. Our energy gives us the power we need to be powerful and impactful in our day to day, to be present, productive and content.

So how do we regain and maintain our energy? When we don’t have the energy to show up for all or any of the above, it may seem impossible to show up and dedicate time and effort to maintaining our own energy. However, and this is the key, investing in this, even in a small way, will cascade into each and every pocked of your life, so find the time, find the energy to just make one change, then another one, then another one and regain your energy.

I’m Indre Butkeviciute and I work with women who want to be healthier, do more and feel better. I’m summing up the ways that you can begin to focus on taking back your power and giving yourself more energy for the rest of 2022 and beyond.


We know the benefit of nutrition, or we think we do, but how many of you skip meals and pay little attention to what you’re eating, how much you’re eating with a concentration on how this will affect your energy levels?

Are you aware of what you have eaten at times when you struggle to focus at work or what you consumed the day before you had a really great sleep?

Being aware of our nutrition, including supplements, is one area you could begin to regain your energy. Once you’re aware you can begin to make changes. And this is one of the main areas I work on with my clients.


Sleep fuels us just as much as food fuels us. Sleep is a vital part of our overall health and wellbeing and a key indicator of our energy levels. Whether you sleep well, struggle to get to sleep, wake while sleeping or struggle to get up in the morning, these are all signs of what activity you have done over the past few days, what your routine has been, what you have eaten and where your mind is. Building yourself a morning and evening routine is a great way to make a small change for a big impact and a great building block to get in place.


Movement impacts our mood, our sleep cycle, and is impacted by our nutrition and sleep quality too. Movement can make us feel great, boost our energy, motivate our minds and be another building block for routine and changing our overall health.

I’d also like to stress and remind you that movement does not mean strenuous exercise, you don’t have to attend a HITT class 3 times a week or go for a run every night. This could simply mean, depending on where you’re starting from, a walk around the block or a very gentle morning yoga stretch, walking the dog or 20 jumping jacks while the kettle boils each morning. Find your level, set an achievable goal and start here.


Mindset is a tricky thing to kickstart when we want to see change. And when we have such busy lives, finding the mindset, even a tiny corner of your mind to make the space to concentrate on yourself and your own health, can seem impossible.

How can you get started with altering your mindset?

Generally, all of these suggestions begin with making a 10-15 minute commitment to begin with, and if you can do that, daily or regularly, you’re off to a great start!

In 10-15 minutes you can…

  • Journal

  • Meditate

  • Stretch or move

  • Go outside

  • Work on your breath

All of these allow you to change your thinking, to concentrate on something other than the tasks of the day, the next thing you need to do or how stressful your day has been already. Plus most of these, when practised on a regular basis, get easier and more effective.

Our overall health and wellbeing is invaluable to us and those around us, taking care of it should be a priority for us all, so start making the small changes today. If you’d like to know more then find me on Instagram @myperfectdolcevita, follow me and feel free to send me a DM. Alternatively, send me an email if you’d like to enquire about working with me at

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